Closing the Gaps in Sport Performance: The Importance of Measuring Mental Training

Closing the Gaps in Sport Performance: The Importance of Measuring Mental Training

In the world of sports, achieving top-tier performance involves more than just physical prowess. The integration of mental training into athletic programs has become an essential component of success. However, the realm of mental training remains an area riddled with significant gaps, particularly concerning its measurement.

Understanding the Mental Aspect of Sports

Mental training encapsulates visualization, mindfulness, motivation, resilience, and much more. Despite its critical importance, there are major disparities in how mental training is measured and utilized across sports. A comprehensive survey published in the **Journal of Applied Sport Psychology** (1) found that while 89% of athletes recognized the importance of mental training, only about 50% systematically practice it.

Why is Measurement Important?

The lack of standardized metrics and methodologies to assess mental training stands as a significant barrier to realizing its full potential. Unlike physical training, which can be measured through specific statistics and metrics, mental training is more abstract and challenging to quantify. A study by Gould et al. in the **Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology** (2) highlights the importance of personalized mental training but underscores the lack of instruments for standardized measurement.

Emerging Solutions

In recent years, technology and research have begun to bridge the gap. Tools like biofeedback and neurofeedback are becoming more accessible, and studies like that of Tracey J. Devonport in The Sport Psychologist (3) demonstrate the benefits of systematic mental training measurement.

The Way Forward

Enhanced collaboration between psychologists, researchers, coaches, and athletes is needed to establish standardized practices for mental training measurement.


The gaps in sport performance, primarily in the area of mental training measurement, should no longer be overlooked. The path towards closing these gaps lies in education, collaboration, and embracing technology to develop robust measurement systems. By giving mental training the same importance and measurability as physical training, we can elevate sports performance to new heights. 


1. Gould, D., & Maynard, I. (2009). Psychological preparation for the Olympic Games. *Journal of Sports Sciences*, 27(13), 1393-1408.
2. Gould, D., Dieffenbach, K., & Moffett, A. (2002). Psychological characteristics and their development in Olympic champions. *Journal of Applied Sport Psychology*, 14(3), 172-204.
3. Devonport, T. J. (2006). A systematic review of the area of mental skills in sports. *The Sport Psychologist*, 20(2), 169-183.
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